Easter is worse than Christmas for me. Sweeat treats, my cousin's amazing bridal shower, dinners, and REESE'S EGGS! How can a girl resist?
Easter was supposed to be my one ultimate cheat. I had it planned WEEKS in advance. Easter Sunday was the day I was going to allow myself to eat as many Reese's treats as I wanted... Crazy? I think so, considering I could pack away an entire peanut plantation if I really put my mind to it, but it was a dream of mine.
Long story short, my cheat day turned into a cheat weekend filled with turkey dinners, pasta al forno, ice cream cake, home made desserts, and REESE'S EGGS! I think I would have been able to handle all of the rest of it, but the eggs are like crack! It started out with the little wrapped ones, graduated to the personal size, then the big egg! Once you get that far, there's no turning back!
I had my fill of treats and was done with it Sunday night. I told myself that Monday was a new day. Party's over, back to reality! No problem, except when I woke up on Monday, my thoughts were consumed with Easter candy. I felt like I couldn't stop the cravings. All I could think about was eating junk.
I once read that sugar is more addictive than cocaine...true or untrue? I cannot compare because I've only ever tried one of these, so all I have to say is good thing I've never tried cocaine because if I liked it half as much as I do the Reese's, I would be in deeeeeeep trouble!
So about a week went by where I ate less than perfectly before I snapped out of it... A WEEK! That's a biiiiiiig craving! My point in all of this is that sometimes it's really hard to get back on track. It's easy to allow ourselves the wonderful, decadent things in life... We all deserve it at least every once in a while! But it doesn't matter if it takes you one cheat day to be back on track, or 10... Just get back! Don't allow a few extra days of bad habits define you. Learn from your challenges and be better prepared next time! I know for myself, when the Reese's Pumpkins, Trees, Hearts, or any other little nugget of deliciousness shows up for the holiday season, I need to get my game face on to face off against it if I allow myself to indulge!
The things that we love to eat the most are sometimes the worst for us! So treat yourselves.... Get yourself a Reese's every once in a while, but beware... They're out to get you and they show no mercy! Be strong against your inner chocolate and peanut butter lover! Fight for your better body!! Don't let the Reese's of your life win!
For now, the tally is Reese's-1, Angela-0, but I'm looking to change that NEXT holiday season! Look out Halloween and the Pumpkins... I'm coming for ya!
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